Friday, April 15, 2011

Can Washington Mesothelioma Attorneys Help My Case?

Washington Mesothelioma Attorneys have a proven track record when it comes to securing compensation for those that have been wronged by asbestos manufacturers. In fact, most lawsuits filed by Mesothelioma attorneys settle quickly and result in a hefty cash award for the victim and their family.

Asbestos Mesothelioma lawsuit case studies have shown time and time again that asbestos manufacturers were aware that their products caused Mesothelioma cancer but covered it up in order to keep turning a profit. Today, approximately 3,000 new cases of Mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure are diagnosed. The law says asbestos manufacturers have to pay for this grievous mistake.

Where To Find A Mesothelioma Attorney In Washington

If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer due to asbestos exposure, the law limits the amount of time that you can file a lawsuit. That is why it is vital to seek a competent attorney as soon as a Mesothelioma diagnosis is made.

Often, the compensation earned from a Mesothelioma lawsuit is enough to cover the staggering medical costs associated with Mesothelioma treatment and to secure the financial future of the family.

To find an attorney with Mesothelioma experience in Washington, contact the following law associations. They can connect you with a skilled attorney in your area and provide you with valuable information to fight your lawsuit.

  • Washington State Trial Lawyers Association, 1809 7th Ave. #1500, Seattle, WA 98101, (206)464-0703,
  • Washington State Bar Association, 2101 Fourth Ave., Suite 400, Seattle, WA 98121, 1-800-945-9722,

Remember, if you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer, you need to act quickly to file your lawsuit against asbestos manufacturers. Contact a Washington attorney today.

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Hair Replacement Is No Longer Taboo

There was a time when the discovery that someone wore a hair piece, or that they'd had 'plugs' was a cause for acute embarrassment, but those days are long gone. Many celebrities, sports personalities, and respected politicians are now happy to admit they've had some form of hair replacement or hair transplant, and are positively proud of it.

And why not? When we don't like something about our bodies we tend to change it. If our skin is too pale we apply fake tan, if our legs are too hairy we shave them, if we don't like the colour of our hair we dye it, and if our teeth are a bit yellow we have them whitened. Male pattern baldness is a fact of life, just like hairy legs and yellow teeth, so there's no reason to feel bad about getting it fixed.

The Evolution of Hair Replacement

So why do we now consider hair pieces and hair transplants perfectly acceptable, when years ago they were something to be hushed up? Let's take a look at two key reasons:

The main reason is that modern hair replacement techniques are so advanced they look completely natural and aren't noticeable. Instead of looking a bit silly wearing an obvious wig that's likely to become detached in a slight breeze, men are now able to achieve a full, think head of completely natural looking hair, whether they opt for a modern fitted hair piece or transplants.

Because the overall effect is so natural, men are able to enjoy the many benefits of hair replacement, which include:
  • Looking younger
  • Being more attractive to potential partners
  • Having more self confidence
  • Making a better first impression

Now that men really do look better with hair pieces or hair transplants than without them, there's no need for a taboo around hair replacement.

The same can be said of cosmetic surgery, which is ever growing in popularity and which many people are very proud to show off about, not least because of the amount of money they've spent on it. While we might tut and mutter that they've gone too far and they're not natural anymore, we're all secretly a bit jealous about how good they look.

The other reason that hair replacement is no longer taboo is that in modern society it's become far more acceptable for men to care about how they look. Men's fashion has seen as distinct feminisation in the last few years, and it's now seen as normal for a man to splash out on a designer haircut at a salon rather than popping out to the local barber, for him to wax his chest and various other body parts, or for him to dye his hair to keep up with the current trends.

If hair can be styled, dyed and waxed, it makes sense that it can also now be replaced with no great drama or secrecy. Achieving the right look, whatever it takes to do so, has finally become more important than long held taboos or worries about what other people might think. Hair replacement is a booming industry, and with continuous advances in technology it looks set to become ever more acceptable in the future.

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Asbestos Hazards Are Serious Business

The basic health hazards relating to asbestos are certainly not a secret. Through public awareness, a high number of mesothelioma lawsuits, and of course public education, asbestos is known to cause a very specific type of lung cancer that attacks the lining of the lung known as mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma lawsuits are not quite as cut and dry as we would like to think they are. It should be a simple matter of asking the responsible party to step up and assist those detrimentally affected by asbestos. However, because of changes in regulations, it takes a qualified mesothelioma lawyer to help you file a mesothelioma lawsuit.

Mesothelioma settlements range anywhere from nominal to significant, depending on the usage of asbestos, the time period in which the building was constructed, the current laws at the time, and the quality of the mesothelioma lawyer.

In 1970, the use of asbestos was limited, but not banned. Public awareness coupled with significant mesothelioma lawsuits and mesothelioma settlements have led to a serious decrease of asbestos use, but current construction is still permitted, and often chooses to use asbestos.

Individuals who work or have worked with asbestos are at a very high risk for asbestos related illnesses, and those who have been diagnosed even years later have been able to successfully file mesothelioma lawsuits and are typically granted mesothelioma settlements provided their mesothelioma lawyer is able to thoroughly understand the laws and how they apply to each individual case.

Because mesothelioma lawsuits are not as cut and dry as we would like to think they are, there are individuals who are told that they do not qualify for a mesothelioma settlement by an incompetent mesothelioma lawyer. It is best to check with two or even three mesothelioma lawyers to find out how the asbestos laws best relates to your case. Most mesothelioma lawyers will provide an initial consultation free of charge.

An internet search will provide a list of mesothelioma lawyers that are capable of representing you mesothelioma lawsuit. As with any other business, the proof is in the pudding. When choosing a mesothelioma lawyer, check their record for attaining mesothelioma settlements.

People living with asbestos related illnesses should not have to suffer the pain alone. Sometimes a mesothelioma lawyer has had enough experience in dealing with mesothelioma lawsuits that they can even recommend treatment options that have worked well for other clients, or at the very least, drop the name of a facility in your lap.

Mesothelioma lawyers are attorneys who are ready to fight for the rights of the injured. There is great care and concern in dealing with mesothelioma lawsuits and obtaining mesothelioma settlements. Don't hesitate. You're health and your time is too valuable.

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How the Insurance Companies Look at Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a malignant cancer that is found in the mesothelium (or protective covering) of the lung, heart, and abdomen. It is caused by the exposure of asbestos and is the focus of thousands of lawsuits across America.

Many people who are diagnosed with mesothelioma are those who worked in factories, automotive factories, construction, and with jobs that manufactured or produced products that was made of the asbestos fibers.

Thousands of people are winning billions of dollars in mesothelioma lawsuits; however, the insurance companies frown on these lawsuits because of the lack of evidence that the asbestos exposure is the cause of the mesothelioma. The insurance companies are feeling the pain of these lawsuits because they are losing billions of dollars.

Although it is proven that mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos, it is not known for sure where and when the asbestos exposure really occurred since it probably occurred over the course of thirty to forty years.

Mesothelioma is not a disease that occurs overnight. It occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to asbestos. Many people who are diagnosed with mesothelioma worked for company's decades earlier where asbestos exposure was very high. It is evident that that the mesothelioma was probably caused by this exposure, but the insurance companies say that there is not real evidence to prove this exposure. Therefore, the insurance companies really frown on the mesothelioma cases.

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and you are having a hard time getting your insurance company to pay for your medical expenses, then you should contact a mesothelioma lawyer. You have a right to have your medical expenses paid regardless of what evidence your insurance company says it has or is missing.

There are mesothelioma lawyers who are trained and who have a lot of experience in dealing with insurance companies and mesothelioma and they can answer any questions or concerns that you have about your mesothelioma and how your insurance company is or is not handling your medical expenses that are related to your condition.

So, if you feel you are not receiving fair benefits or treatment from your insurance company in regards to your mesothelioma, you may be able to file a lawsuit and you may be entitled to many benefits as a result of your mesothelioma lawsuit. There is no need to suffer more than you already have. A mesothelioma lawyer will be able to help you.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What everyone should know about Malignant Mesothelioma

Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a toxic compound used in a variety of industries and still found in buildings and workplaces in the United States. Patients are diagnosed with mesothelioma when they report symptoms of the disease to their doctors.

However, the symptoms of malignant mesothelioma are similar to those of many other conditions, so it is extremely important to tell your doctor if you have been exposed to asbestos so he or she will know to test for this form of cancer.

There are several forms of treatment for mesothelioma including surgery to remove tumors when possible, chemotherapy, and radiation. In general, these treatments are more successful when the disease is caught earlier.

Finding out that you have malignant mesothelioma can be a frightening realization. For the legal guidance you need, contact the Louisiana mesothelioma attorneys at Landry and Swarr who have experience working with families in this area of the law, and can help you make the best decisions for yourself and your loved ones.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Malignant Mesothelioma

Malignant mesothelioma is a term that refers to nearly every case of mesothelioma. Although previously some medical professionals used the term benign mesothelioma to refer to some forms of mesothelioma, this has changed in recent years. Conditions that were formerly called benign mesothelioma have now been reclassified as another, separate condition.

What does malignant mean?

In general, malignant is a term used to describe conditions that are getting worse. For cancer, this usually means that the tumor is growing; affecting healthy tissue located nearby, and that it may metastasize.

What is malignant mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the mesothelium, the tissues that supports and protects organs within the body. There are four types of malignant mesothelioma, although testicular mesothelioma is so rare that less than one hundred cases have been reported. The three more common forms of this cancer include pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial.

- Pleural mesothelioma affects the tissues around the lungs and the lungs themselves. This is the most common form of mesothelioma. About three out of every four cases of mesothelioma are classified as pleural mesothelioma.

- Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the abdominal region of patients who are diagnosed with this disease. It is concentrated in the tissues surrounding these organs. Peritoneal is the second most common form of the disease, comprising between 10 and 20 percent of all cases.

- Pericardial mesothelioma, the most rare of these three forms, affects the tissues surrounding the heart. It is far less common than the other two forms but more common than testicular mesothelioma.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mesothelioma lawyer and Mesothelioma law firm are the answers to the suffering

Mesothelioma is the disease of mesothelium, caused by dust particle. This disease is rampant among those who spend a lot of time in dusty environment, for years. Usually, the workers working in asbestos industries have such prolong exposure to dust particles and get easily affected with such disease. The effect is felt after prolong years, usually at the time of their retirement or old age when they do not have much strength left in their body and pocket to afford expensive treatment.

Seeking any kind of compensation to the company which caused their ill-fate, is met with harsh turn down. In this painful part of life medical facilities provide life supporting treatment but it requires money. So, the choice comes between to stay alive in impoverished state spending huge amount in treatment or spare the money and gradually proceed to a painful death. The fact looks painful yet is true.

To claim the compensation thus a victim or his keen should take resort to Mesothelioma law firm or avail mesothelioma lawyers. Mesothelioma lawyers can help in getting some financial relief by successfully claiming compensation. Apart from individual lawyers, there are some mesothelioma law firm which do the same job in an institutional form.

The compensation awarded to the victim following the suit may amount from few thousand dollars to even million dollar, depending on the merit, years of exposure, damage sustained by the victim and other related legal factors. The suit can be filed by a keen to the victim, a family member to the victim or even someone succeeding to the property of the victim. It is better to seek legal advice as soon as the disease is diagnosed. Because there are some legal time bars between the filing of a suit seeking compensation and diagnosis of the disease.

To find such mesothelioma law firm one can approach to the known law firms in the locality or else a search through internet will help. Most of the law firms though deal with mesothelioma cases as only a part of their business having one or two mesothelioma lawyers, but there are some law firms which exclusively deal with such cases.

Be it mesothelioma law firm or mesothelioma lawyers, the only thing interests the victim is the amount of compensation likely to be awarded and the time required to get the cheque, since the filling of the case. Answers to this question can be found by conducting a small research through internet going through the profile of law firms or lawyers.

Yet, the specific and essential decisions, regarding the legal aspects like amount to be claimed keeping in view the amount likely to be awarded by the court, suitable jurisdiction wherein easy to draw favor of the court, the limitation bar etc, to be taken by mesothelioma law firm or mesothelioma lawyers whoever is appointed to deal with the case. Interestingly, the claim for compensation does not require money but a percentage is charged by the mesothelioma law firm or mesothelioma lawyers when the case is won. Nothing is charged if the case is lost.

For reliable assistance about mesothelioma legal issues, one can online visit mesothelioma law firm at to avail professional advice from board of mesothelioma lawyers.

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The best legal advice relating to mesothelioma compensation

During sickness it is unlikely that the patient himself or anyone relating to him would find big, thick books of law, flounder through them and then seek appropriate legal advice. Because the whole idea itself looks absurd when it is contemplated or put into effect. So, especially when someone is affected with a disease like mesothelioma, then sooner or later mesothelioma lawsuits become inevitable to claim the compensation.

In this earth very few people or organization probably would themselves provide rightful compensation to the victims of their unjust doings, unless compelled by a competent court of law. If they would be so careful and merciful, probably this earth would be a different place to live. Anyway as we all know it just does not work that way, then we have no choice but file mesothelioma lawsuits, in a real situation.

But, before proceeding further, it is good to know what exactly mesothelioma is, how it is caused, or from which it may result in. The very word Mesothelioma is derived from the word mesothelium. It is a membrane like thing which covers and protects most of the internal organs of the body. It is composed of two layers of cells. One layer immediately surrounds the organ, the other forms a sac around it.

The mesothelium produces a lubricating fluid that is released between these layers, allowing moving organs to move easily without getting corrosion wound. As example, heart beats against the wall of chest. The mesothelium protects it from any corrosion or friction effect. Now in straight meaning mesothelioma is the cancer of mesothelium. In such case the cells, as in all other cancer, divide and expand abnormally and indiscriminately. Thus, it affects all other near by organs and cause severe internal injury.

The consequence is also common as in case of other cancer, patient sooner or later dies. The compensation for mesothelioma can be claimed by the victim, any keen relative in case the victim dies, or any other person having legal interest in inheriting the property of the deceased. Even if some one gets affected with mesothelioma from the victim, though it is not contagious, can seek compensation. Here arises the necessity to find an asbestos lawyer mesothelioma for mesothelioma lawsuits.

Normally, mesothelioma is caused due to prolong exposure to asbestos and it is rampant among the workers working in asbestos industries, so to conduct a mesothelioma lawsuit, only an asbestos lawyer mesothelioma can bring in fruitful result. Now to have access to an asbestos lawyer mesothelioma many ways can be taken. Like, the yellow pages can be tried, a phone directory often gives out such names in and around the locality of the victim.

Yet, it is probably the best way to search internet to find a suitable and capable asbestos lawyer mesothelioma who would conduct the mesothelioma lawsuit only for winning. Winning mesothelioma lawsuit result in huge compensation, which sometimes reaches million dollars. Moreover, the asbestos lawyer mesothelioma usually work on a no compensation- no fees basis, so the litigant also does not need to worry so much about managing the fees.

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Mesothelioma law Texas now favors the petitioner

Exposure to asbestos is a reason for severe health hazard which ends in spreading of lungs cancer. There are some expensive medical treatment which may provide with necessary assistance but unfortunately as in all cancer cases, mesothelioma can only be controlled up to certain extent but can not be cured. Having assistance from the mesothelioma attorneys can be of some help in this respect.

Previously, the law relating to mesothelioma and claims relating to it was vague and inefficacious where by hiring some good lawyers any billionaire asbestos company could evade liability in court. In 2005 in Texas the mesothelioma law was changed with completely new set of amendments making it more humane and working towards the petitioner.

More interesting point about mesothelioma texas is that unlike the laws in other state there is no limitation period to file the case. So, the patient himself or someone from his side may visit mesothelioma attorneys at any stage after the disease is diagnosed. But, the new mesothelioma Texas law focuses on another important aspect which was grossly overlooked in the previous Act.

Previously, there was chance of filing indiscriminate cases by mesothelioma attorneys seeking monetary compensation for the client from the companies even when the company was not responsible for mesothelioma. This practice has been curbed automatically as the new mesothelioma Texas law comes with a mandatory clause that all mesothelioma attorneys have to seek approval from State Department of Health before filing any mesothelioma compensation claim in Texas.

Another interesting point in this mesothelioma Texas law is that it lays down the provision that when asbestos exposure occurs, the worker will pay a visit to the doctor and seek medical assistance. The expenses for that medical assistance will be borne by the company if the patient does not afford the expense. The trial for any mesothelioma Texas case will take place in Houston.

Now seeking assistance from mesothelioma attorneys is always something useful as at first instance, no fee is to be paid but the fee will be charged when the case ends in successful settlement of claims, awarding compensation to the patient. So, it is better to conduct a small research over the internet regarding the practice area of the attorney and the number of cases mesothelioma attorneys have handled previously which ended in successful settlement.

However, new mesothelioma Texas law favors the petitioner. As per provisions of the law court now try to settle the case. Yet, if it is found that the defendant, in this case billionaire companies causing asbestos exposure are not willing to settle the case then the court would favor the petitioner and get the case settled to his side.

But, the person who is entitled to file such case is a question of legal standpoint, as to which relation he comes to the patient or whether he has any legal right at all to file such case. However, though the mesothelioma Texas law favors the petitioner but petitioner must have the legal right to file the case too. So, it is advisable to find good mesothelioma attorneys whenever a case to be filed by the patient to find compensation.

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Mesothelioma attorney assistance useful in mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a disease of mesothelium. Due to prolong exposure to dust and dust like particles a man can be affected with mesothelioma. The dust like particles can be from stone-crushing industries, asbestos industries, tyre factory, chemical factory etc. These particles gradually get accumulated over the mesothelium membrane of the lungs and during later stage in life it turns into fatal disease. In most cases it develops carcinoma and cause the fatal type of lungs cancer named mesothelioma.

Almost all important body organs are covered by mesothelium membrane which works as a protective layer against all friction and corrosion of the organ, during physiochemical activities. Lung is the most vulnerable organ to disease of mesothelium because the microscopic dust particles are taken in during respiration and the air is purified in lungs. The oxygenated blood flows through the body while de-oxygenated air is exhaled out. In the entire process the dust particles are screened and accumulate in the mesothelium membrane.

The workers in those said industries are affected mainly because they are not given protective equipments to save themselves from these microscopic particles. It is then pretty obvious that these affected workers have right to be compensated in terms of money to spend for their medical treatment.

In such situation, mesothelioma attorney assistance is indispensable. The said compensation does not come easy to the workers as in most cases the concerned company refuses to accept any liability of mesothelioma. So, taking resort to a mesothelioma attorney remains in most cases as the only accessible option. But, it is essential to avail mesothelioma attorney assistance in time. There is time bar or in other words period of limitation in filing of the suit. So, only a mesothelioma attorney would decide the proper time for filing of the suit.
It is worthy to avail mesothelima attorney assistance because at the first instance the client does not need to pay anything. The attorney may engage private investigator to find the relevant and necessary details of the case at his own cost.

These facts regarding the period of exposure, the level and duration of working, protective equipments provided by the company etc are of great importance while filing the case. It is up to the attorney to decide the proper timing and jurisdiction to file the case. This is important because different jurisdictions may provide different amount of compensation to the concerned client.

The petitioner or someone who is filing the case holds an important legal position regarding the right to file the case. The mesothelioma attorney assistance can be availed by anyone who is a near or far relation to the patient, but it is only to be decided by the mesothelioma attorney as to whether the person seeking legal advice has any right to file the suit on behalf of the client or not.

Seeking advice from mesothelioma attorney is always a wise decision, it is wiser still to avail mesothelioma attorney assistance at the very first instance as soon as the mesothelioma is diagnosed. Because unless and until the compensation is awarded, at no point the client has to pay any fees to the attorney.

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Wining the compensation worth mesothelioma lawsuit I

Mesothelioma, the disease of mesothelium, is a painful one mingled with expensive treatment. Mesothelium is the covering made around the heart, lungs and other important organ of human body. It protects the organs from injury when beating against the body wall. Usually in case of involuntary muscles in human body, as found in heart, stomach, lungs etc, the mesothelium plays vital role.

During respiration system the air is taken in, get purified in lungs and again the contaminated blood full of carbon-di-oxide is taken out. During the said purification process if there is any tiny or even microscopic particles are inhaled accidentally then those particles can not come out easily from lungs and remain stuck in the mesothelium.

If such dust particles get accumulated in large number in lungs, then it causes many kind of lungs related or cardio-thoracic problems. In many cases it eventually leads to cancer, known as mesothelioma.

This mesothelioma is then to be dealt with expensive medical treatment. Unfortunately, when mesothelioma shows up, it denotes terminally injured lungs. Along with the mesothelioma the required body strength to work and earn get decreased extremely. Considering the environment which should cause jeopardizing effect in man’s life and health is the dusty environment in asbestos industries.

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Wining the compensation worth mesothelioma lawsuit II

To meet up the treatment expense and to get compensated for such peril, only effective option is filing mesothelioma lawsuit finding mesothelioma lawyers. A mesothelioma lawsuit can be instituted in any state depending on the chances to be awarded compensation. However, it is always wise to leave the decision in the hands of mesothelioma lawyers to decide the best jurisdiction for it.

Mesothelioma lawyers can be found in any well established law firm who work particularly with such cases on behalf of the firm. So, client does not have direct relation with mesothelioma lawyers. In some other cases individual mesothelioma lawyers can be found by searching through internet, yellow pages or other available resources.

It is advisable, that before choosing one for the mesothelioma lawsuit, it is wise to make a quick and small research regarding how many cases has been resolved in awarding the compensation. How much time was taken etc. For the client the mesothelioma lawsuit is a two way profit.

If the case is won he will be awarded the compensation and if the case is lost the client does not need to pay a penny. Actually, the client does not need to spend a single penny since the beginning upto the end of the case unless it brings in some positive and fruitful result for him.

A percentage is charged from the compensation awarded as the fees for the mesothelioma lawsuit, only when the compensation is awarded or in other words the case is won.

Yet, mesothelioma lawsuit is a specific field of law requiring expertise knowledge. So, it is always better to get to find legal advice as soon as the decision for seeking legal redress is taken. Like in all other field, a proper advice in time only can prove to be useful in long run.

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What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a cancer that develops within the mesothelium of the body. The mesothelium is the protective covering in the body. It covers various organs, including the lungs. The mesothelium is made up of two thin layers. When cancer develops in the mesothelium it is between these layers. The narrow space makes it very difficult to diagnose mesothelioma in the early stages.

Mesothelioma is a difficult cancer to treat. Once a diagnosis of mesothelioma is made, the majority of patients will not live longer than eighteen months. There are a variety of reasons for this, including the advanced nature of the disease once it is diagnosed and the lack of an effective surgical method of removing the tumors.

Combined, these cancers affect 2,000 to 3,000 people in the United States each year. Receiving a diagnosis can be difficult due to the similarity of symptoms to other, more common conditions and doctors may overlook mesothelioma as a diagnosis. Another contributing factor that makes these cancers difficult to diagnose is the severe latency period of symptoms. From the time of someone's initial exposure to asbestos, the primary cause of mesothelioma, signs of development may take as long as 20 to 50 years to arise.

Pleural mesothelioma

This is the most common form of mesothelioma. It is a cancer of the lining of the lungs called the pleura. The pleura, fibrous sheets that help protect the lungs, produces a lubricating fluid that allow the lungs to move smoothly as we breathe. Pleural mesothelioma is uncommon and may be misdiagnosed as lung cancer. Lung cancer, however, is different from pleural mesothelioma. Lung cancer is a malignant tumor that originates in the lungs; pleural mesothelioma occurs in the lining of the lungs. Approximately 75% of all malignant mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma.

Peritoneal mesothelioma

This cancer is much less common than pleural mesothelioma. It accounts for about 10 to 20% of mesotheliomas. Peritoneal mesothelioma is a cancer in the lining that surrounds the stomach or abdomen called the peritoneum. The peritoneum, cells that produce a lubricating fluid that protect the stomach, allows the stomach to move freely when food is digested. Peritoneal mesothelioma can start in the abdomen and spread to other parts of the body.

Pericardial mesothelioma

This is the rarest form of mesothelioma - only about 5 to 15% of mesothelioma is pericardial mesothelioma. It is a cancer in the lining surrounding the heart called the pericardium. The pericardium, cells that produce a ubricating fluid that protects the heart, allows the heart to move freely when it is pumping blood to other parts of your body.

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